

The following General Sales Conditions must apply to the purchases made on the website http://shop.tecnofoil.com/en/ for products supplied by TECNOFOIL S.r.l. (tax code 12335620154), in the person of the pro tempore legal representative Dr. Stefano de Manzano, with registered office in Udine, Via Percoto no. 23, entered with the Chamber of Commerce of Udine, REA No.297678, e-mail shop@tecnofoil.com and they govern the business to business relations effected on this website. For what is not explicitly provided for in the following General Sales Conditions, reference must be done to the Italian current legislation, as well as to the directives of the Legislative Decree 09.04.2003, No. 70 implementing the current European Directive 2000/31/CE.

Article 1

The contractor by means of surfing this website and sending an order of purchase explicitly accepts the contract terms and the policies of data protection of the sales company and here below described.
Before having access to the products supplied on the website, the contractor must read these general sales conditions, which must be considered fully accepted when forwarding a purchase order and paying for it.
The contractor is invited to download and save a copy of the purchase form and a copy of these General Sales Conditions.
It is possible to surf this website, look at the available products and make purchases in the following languages: Italian and English.

Article 2

These General Sales Conditions govern the offer, transmission and acceptance of purchase orders of products on the website http://shop.tecnofoil.com/en/ and do not govern, instead, the purchase of products by other providers, which could be eventually present on the same website through links, banners or other hyperlinks.

Article 3

To conclude the purchase contract will be previously necessary to fill out the form found on the site and send it to Tecnofoil S.r.l., following the relevant instructions.
In this form are to be found the reference to the General Sales Conditions, the pictures of each product and its relevant price, the accepted payment methods, the delivery methods with the relevant costs of shipment, and the methods and time of return of the products which have been purchased.
Once fulfilled the procedures of filling out the computer order, the contractor must provide the payment of the relevant amount of money, including the costs of shipment, as it follows.
The contract must be considered concluded and legally binding only on receipt of payment of the price agreed by the seller.
Tecnofoil S.r.l. reserves the right not to accept orders which are not duly completed, i.e. not paid in full.
After receiving the payment for the supply by the contractor, Tecnofoil S.r.l. undertakes to ship – in 48 working hrs at the latest (therefore, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays excluded) – the ordered goods, namely in case of sudden unavailability of the same ones, within the same timeframe, notify the purchaser about the different delivery time provided for, with option for the latter to ask for the immediate refund of the sums paid and thereby the resolution of the order.

Article 4

The price of each product marketed by Tecnofoil s.r.l. is given on the website.
The prices quoted on the site are not inclusive of VAT (if due) and do not include the cost of shipment, which will be in any case specified in the expense summary when the computer procedure will be completed.
The prices quoted on the website may be subject of change at any time. The variations may not involve orders already concluded for which the relevant payment has already been done.
Once selected the products, they will be added to the so called “shopping cart”, it will be sufficient to follow the instructions for the purchase filling in or checking the information required at any passage of the process. The details of the order may be modified by the contractor before the shipment by means of a simple e-mail sent to shop@tecnofoil.com
The payment may be done with the following methods:

- Credit card 

- Bank transfer   IT22A0200864780000006462521

Article 5

The delivery of the goods will be effected by means of GLS courier or other similar carrier.
The costs of shipment are charged to the contractor, are explicitly highlighted at the very moment of processing the order and are quoted in the expense summary, so that the purchase must be considered at any legal effect “ex factory” Tecnofoil S.r.l. Therefore, the eventual risks to the products will pass to the contractor at the time of the transfer of the goods to the carrier in charge of the transport and relevant delivery.
When the goods are delivered, the contractor will have to check the integrity and the correspondence of the products ordered with those listed in the letter of the carrier. When a discrepancy is found, the client will have to refuse the goods and challenge this discrepancy directly to the carrier. Signing of the delivery documents means the unconditional acceptance of the goods by the contractor.

Article 6

The Seller is responsible for any defect of the products provided on the website including the non-compliance of the items with the products ordered in accordance with the Italian legislation.
Tecnofoil S.r.l. does not take any responsibility for inefficiency as a result of force majeure and will not be responsible for any damages, losses or charges sustained by the contractor as a result of non-performance of the contract for reasons that are not attributable to the seller.

Article 7

The contractor is entitled to terminate the contract within 10 days from receipt of the goods, without any penalty where products delivered do not comply with the order made.
The right to withdraw must be carried out by sending copy of the standard form, available on the website http://shop.tecnofoil.com/en/, by registered letter to Tecnofoil S.r.l. (to be anticipated via telefax to the number +39 0434 564025), or by certified electronic mail to the address info@pec.tecnofoil.com.
The goods for which the right to withdraw is carried out must be returned to Tecnofoil S.r.l. within 5 days from the date in which it has been notified the withdrawal, basically intact in their original packaging without any lack, with the costs of restitution imposed on the purchaser.
Once received the communication of withdrawal Tecnofoil S.r.l will provide to promptly refund the amount of money paid by the contractor, in accordance with the arrangements indicated in the withdrawal form, and not later than the period of 10 days from the receipt of the products returned in accordance with the above mentioned arrangements.

Article 8

These General Conditions are ruled by the Italian law.
Provided the applicability of the unavoidable legal provisions, any dispute anyway related to these General Conditions, to their interpretation or application, to the signing, to the implementation of the contract concluded by Tecnofoil S.r.l. with the user at the moment of the acceptance of the order, whatever their technical, administrative or legal nature - since they are not related to consumers – will go to the exclusive competence of the Court of Udine (Italy).

Article 9

The client is specifically informed that every order sent is kept in paper and digital form in the operational headquarters of Tecnofoil S.r.l., in Pordenone, Via Peperate No. 25 (Italy) for a term of 7 years. In order to access them it is possible to send a written request by means of the standard form available on the website http://shop.tecnofoil.com/en/ to be sent by e-mail to the address shop@tecnofoil.com.

Article 10

The data of the contractor are treated in accordance with the provisions of the current Italian law governing the protection of personal data as specified in the relevant section containing the disclosure under the Article 13 of the Legislative Decree 30.06.2003.